- A means of defining entities through configurable attributes, such as the DeliveryOption class described in part 1.
- A way of grouping entities to a certain type; perhaps a TeamMember’s RoleType or a Product’s Category.
- An object that has no meaning in the domain and serves no other purpose than providing information to users or reports; a Person’s Title for example.
- The data access code only needs to be written once, rather than for each type of lookup.
- New lookups can be added with ease simply by adding data rather than schema changes and new data access code.
- All lookups can be configured by the users in one central screen; we wouldn’t have to create a config screen for each one.
- Given that reference data rarely changes it makes sense to cache the data. With a generic solution, lookups can be cached at one central access point as opposed to a cache for each type.
- Lookup – This table is the grouping table for the individual items. There would be one record per type of lookup, i.e. Title, DeliveryOption, RoleType
- LookupItem – This table stores the individual items. i.e. “Mr”, “Mrs” “Miss”, “Doctor”.
- Attribute – This table simply stores a list of points of logic. i.e. “IsRoyalMail”, “IsCourier”.
- LookupItemAttribute – The link table that stores which lookup items have which attributes. i.e. The “Royal Mail” DeliveryOption has the “IsRoyalMail” attribute.
Once we have this structure in place, managing reference data becomes a piece of cake, particularly with the use of generics:
1: ILookupService lookupService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ILookupService>();
2: //Get all roles
3: ILookup<TeamMemberRoleType> roles = lookupService.GetLookup<TeamMemberRoleType>();
4: //Get specific role by ID
5: TeamMemberRoleType role = lookupService.GetLookupItem<TeamMemberRoleType>(command.RoleTypeID);
6: //Get the developer role
7: TeamMemberRoleType developerRole = TeamMemberRoleType.GetDeveloperRole(roles);
Here is an example of how we can now define our lookup types: 1: [Serializable]
2: public class TeamMemberRoleType : LookupItem<TeamMemberRoleType>
3: {
4: internal static readonly Guid DeveloperAttributeID = new Guid("89FD406C-034E-4F12-938C-8DF5C783F153");
5: internal static readonly Guid TesterAttributeID = new Guid("8D768B47-93DA-40D9-8581-743501C0E1B6");
6: internal static readonly Guid ProductManagerAttributeID = new Guid("EA16D97A-DC2A-4468-96F7-8796FC0085EB");
8: public bool IsDeveloper
9: {
10: get { return HasAttribute(DeveloperAttributeID); }
11: }
13: public bool IsTester
14: {
15: get { return HasAttribute(TesterAttributeID); }
16: }
18: public bool IsProductManager
19: {
20: get { return HasAttribute(ProductManagerAttributeID); }
21: }
22: }
The base type LookupItem<T> provides most of the standard properties that we need for our lookup (such as description and list of attributes it has). All we are left to do is add our type specific properties which the application can make decisions on. At the top of the class you’ll notice that the attribute ID’s are hard coded. You may be thinking “but I thought he said don’t code against IDs?”. Which is true, I did. The difference here is that attribute ID’s represent a logic point in the application, NOT a configurable database record that the user may wish to remove or add items to. The ID 89FD406C-034E-4F12-938C-8DF5C783F153 is an identifier for the application signifying a developer role. Even if the attribute record is accidentally removed from the database, within the application code that ID remains as an identifier that represents the developer role. By having these ID’s we can then have public properties on TeamMemberRoleType that indicate the type of role without the need to have a boolean column on our table for each one. For the Gender example we could implement a GetColourFromAttributeValue method which would deserialise the attribute value to a Color object (or perhaps the value would store the RGB value), and then provide a property on our Gender lookup such as:
1: public Color ScreenColor
2: {
3: get { return GetColorFromAttributeValue(GenderScreenColorAttributeID); }
4: }
Lookup code certainly and views certainly don't have to be repeated for each lookup domain. Properly written generics based code can handle this once, quite elegantly.
ReplyDeleteCould you please make the source code available?